1. get started: the "hello world" quickstart
- Introduction
- So what is this Rails thing?
- Where did Rails come from?
- What's the Ruby part all about?
- Why should I use Rails to build my web applications?
- Rails is for "web applications"? What's that?
- Dive into the code!
- Make a fresh Rails app
- How do all the pieces fit together?
- Brief intro into the MVC design pattern
- Making our app say "Hello World"
- Use Rails generators to create our first Controller
- Show the connections between:
- HTTP requests and Controllers
- Controllers and their Actions
- Actions and their Views
- Take our first look at Ruby's eRb syntax
- Break
- Talking to your database
- Starting with database migrations
- Brief look at using Rake to handle migrations
- Generate our first Model object
- Show how we can find Model objects ...
- ... and access their attributes
- Understanding Scaffolds and when NOT to use them
- Generate a scaffold for the model
- Explore the auto-generated code
- Show how Scaffolds can play with migrations
- When should we not use Scaffolds?
- Coming up in Workshop 2
- Rails built-in Session management
- Performing validations on Model data
- Dynamic Model finders
- Taking Rails home with you...
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