brianvh AT techtowork DOT com
Contact Brian if you have questions about course content, prerequisites, laptop configuration
pat DOT langille AT techtowork DOT com
Contact Pat with any questions about registration, parking, locale, or other workshop logistics
workshop location
Workshops will be held on the Dartmouth College campus, in the Starr Instructional Center, which is located in the Baker-Berry Library.
Once inside the library (contact us if you need directions), enter the Baker-Berry Library's north entrance. You'll find yourself in a large space with tables, with the Novack Cafe at one end of the space. There's a wide set of stairs just past (or to the right, depending on how you came in) of the Cafe. Go up the stairs, then look to your right for an elevator to take you one more flight up. The Jones Media Center will be to your left as you exit that elevator. Go into the Media Center and immediately turn right. You'll see the Starr Instructional Center at the far end of a hallway.
When in doubt, there are lots of people sitting at desks in the library, just waiting to help you find your way.
There is metered parking in the streets surrounding the library. Meters have a two-hour maximum. There will be a break in the class at least once every two hours. Another option for parking would be to use the town parking lot off Lebanon Street. It operates on a ticketing basis, pay as you leave the lot. If you choose to park there, allow about 15 minutes to walk to the library.
The classes (except the free introductory session) will run from 9am to 1pm, with breaks. The optional working sessions will start at 2pm and last until 6 or until everyone's gone home, whichever comes first.
A morning snack and coffee will be provided. A box lunch will be provided to those who stay on for the coaching session. Register by a week beforehand to choose from a menu; after that, we'll choose for you. Food is not allowed in the Starr Instructional Center, but there's an open dining area just down the stairs from us. There's also a small cafe there, as well as vending machines, to purchase other items if you wish.
should I attend?
If you wnt to learn Rails and have some experience writing programs for the web using perl, PHP, Python, Java, or other web languages, then you will find the content of this seminar very useful. If you're not certain, please feel free to
contact Brian to talk it over.